
For a nearby hotel, we recommend the Poulsbo Inn & Suites, which offers a discount if you say you're booking for the Hilton/Kim wedding when you call. We also recommend you check out the many B&B's and rental houses in the area, which can offer a charming setting, and a more affordable group option.

Poulsbo Inn & Suites 
18680 Highway 305
Poulsbo, WA 98370
11 milesouth, 20-30 minutes away
Rates are $86/night (discounted for wedding)
www.poulsboinn.com | 1.800.597.5151 (call to and mention Hilton/Kim wedding for the discount)

B&B's and Rental Houses: There are also many bed & breakfasts in the area, as well as quite a few vacation rental properties. Click here to see a list of b&b's, and check out AirBNB or VRBO for vacation rentals. 

If the Poulsbo Inn & Suites or a B&B doesn't have room or doesn't fit your needs, an additional option is:

Oxford SuiteSilverdale
9550 Silverdale Way Northwest 
Silverdale, WA 98383
17 milesouth, 30-35 minutes away
Rates from $125/night

If none of these optionsound appealing, the wedding will be over by 10 pm, and there are ferries out of Bainbridge back to downtown Seattle later than that, so if you want to stay in downtown Seattle, you can do that, but it will be a longer trek home than crashing in a hotel that night.

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